Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How much tax do I really pay??

Have you ever wondered how much of my income I pay in tax? The American Institute of Public Accountants (AICPA) has put together a tax calculator that will estimate the total amount of tax you pay per year. The tax calculator estimates the following taxes and can be found here: http://www.totaltaxinsights.org/Calculator

1. Federal Income Tax
2. State Income Tax
3. Real Estate Tax
4. Social Security/Medicare Tax
5. Self-Employment Tax
6. Alternative Minimum Tax
7. Cell Phone Tax
8. Landline Telephone Tax
9. Federal Gas Tax
10. State Gas Tax
11. Sales/Use Tax
12. Personal Property Tax
13. Automobile Tax
14. Hotel Tax
15. Cigarette Tax
16. Liquor tax
17. Utilities tax (natural gas, electricity, etc)

Have I missed any? I think you may be surprised the amount of tax you really pay during the year. Call me at 801-776-5241 with any questions on how to reduce your federal and state income taxes, alternative minimum tax, and Social Security/Medicare/Self-Employment taxes.

The other taxes are up to you to reduce. Just quit driving and you won't pay the federal gas tax!

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